Our painters remain one sunny day away from finishing their work. Since it rained again last night, the humidity is too high for the paint to stick properly.
Here's the view from my office window.
On the upside, today marks the 110th Anniversary of the first Mass in the original Holy Family church. Father Charles Van Hulse said Mass for his little parish on Sunday, September 10, 1899.

After Mass, the school staff made frantic preparations to use the church as a temporary schoolhouse. The original school building was a few weeks from being completed, so the Sisters made due in the church. On Monday, September 11, 1899 the school began classes. Saint Katharine Drexel, the "millionaire nun" from Philadelphia, lent the parish $1500 to build the school building provided that it was named the
Saint Therese Institute for Creek Indian Girls.
The parish gladly accepted Saint Katharine's investment in the school, but worked quickly to repay the loan. By 1903, the $1500 was repaid and the school was promptly renamed
Holy Family School.